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Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher
Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher

Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher

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On sale: $45.95 $39.95
Retail Price:$55.95
Your Savings:$16.00(29%)
Offers items for any patient recovering from hip replacement surgery, back surgery or anyone with increasing difficulty bending over.
Product ID: AKE3700
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The Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher offers therapist-recommended daily living aids for users who have difficulty bending over. These ADL (Activities of Daily Living) items are designed for users recovering from hip replacement surgery, back surgery, or anyone with limited mobility.

The Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher includes 7 items recommended by Occupational Therapists for increasing dressing and bathing independence. Each kit includes one Formed Sock Aid with Foam Handles, two pairs of 24 inch Black Elastic Shoelaces, two pairs of 24 inch White Elastic Shoelaces, one Dressing Stick, one 24 inch Stainless Steel Shoehorn, one 18 inch Long Handle Bath Sponge, and a KE Deluxe Reacher. Choose from these Basic Hip Kit with 26-inch KE Deluxe Reacher or the Basic Hip Kit with 32-inch KE Deluxe Reacher. Basic Hip Kits feature recommended ADL items for those with arthritis to increase their independence in self-care skills including bathing, dressing, picking up clothing, and other items at home.

Basic Hip Kit with KE Deluxe Reacher Specifications:

  • Includes: 7 items.
  • Items included: One Formed Sock Aid with Foam Handles, Two pair of 24 inch Black Elastic Shoelaces, Two pair of 24 inch White Elastic Shoelaces, One 26 or 32 inch KE Deluxe Reacher, One Dressing Stick, One 24 inch Stainless Steel Shoehorn, One 18 inch Long Handle Bath Sponge.
  • Choose: Basic Hip Kit with 26-inch KE Deluxe Reacher or Basic Hip Kit with 32-inch Deluxe Reacher.

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